
  • 歐標(biāo)型鋼規(guī)格-2012.3.21為pdf格式
  • 文件大小:2.9M
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  • 文件評級
  • 更新時間:2020-03-19
  • 發(fā) 布 人: luoyedi
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  • 文檔部分內(nèi)容預(yù)覽:
  • Only available in JR, JO. W,: for plastic design, the shape must belong to class 1 or 2 a

    Commande minimale: 4Ot par profile et qualite ou suivant accorc toute autre qualite 4Ot ou Suivant acco Tonnage minimum et conditions de livraison necessitent un accord prealable. Minimum order: for the S235 JR grade cf delivery conditions page 222; for any other grade 40t or upon agreement. Minimum tonnage and delivery conditions upon agreement. Mindestbestellmenge: fur S235 JR gemaB Lieferbedingungen Seite 222; fur jede andere Gite 40Ot oder nach Vereinbarun

    Commande minimale: 40t par profile et qualite ou suivant accord. Tonnage minimum et conditions de livraison necessitent un accord prealable Minimum order: for the S235 JR grade cf delivery conditions page 222; for any other grade 40t or upon agreement. Minimum tonnage and delivery conditions upon agreement. Mindestbestellmenge: fur S235 JR gemaB Lieferbedingungen Seite 222; fur jede andere Gite 40Ot oder nach Vereinbarun

    tbestellmenge: 40t pro Profil und Gite oder nac Profil gemaB DIN 1028: 1994 Profil gemalB CSN 42 5541: 1974.

    電力弱電圖紙、圖集éalable cessitent ile conforme a EN 100561: 1998 Profile conforme a DIN 1028: 199. Profile conforme a CSN 42 5541: 1974

    ce with EN 100561: 1998. with DIN 1028: 1994 Section in accordance with CSN 42 5541: 1974 able with sharp e

    tbestellmenge: 40t pro Profil und Gite oder nach Profil gemaB DIN 1028: 1994 Profil gemalB CSN 42 5541: 1974. erhaltlic

    tbestellmenge: 40t pro Profil und G Profl gemal3 DIN 1028: 1994 Profil gemaB CSN 42 5541: 1974.

    ide Profil gemaB DIN 1028: 1994 Profl gemaB CSN 42 5541: 1974.

    Other dimensions on request. The r2 radius may be smaller ner Section in accordance with DIN 1028: 1994. Section in aco dance with CSN 42 5541: 1974

    Other dimensions on request. The r2 radius may be smaller g on the r Profle conforme a DIN 1029: 1994 Section in accordance with CSN 42 5541: 1974

    天然氣標(biāo)準(zhǔn)規(guī)范范本Minimum tonnage and delivery conditions upon agree depending on the rollir Minimum order: 40t per section and grade or upon agree ment Section in accordance with EN 100561: 1998. Profle conforme a DIN 1029: 1994. Section in accordance with CSN 42 5541: 1974

    Andere Abmessungen auf Anfrage. Der Radius r, kann je Profle conforme a DIN 1029: 1994 Profl gemaB CSN 42 5541: 1974. Profil in S460M nach Vereinbarung

    tbestellmenge und Lieferbedingungen nach Verei Profle conforme a DIN 1029: 1994 Profl gemaB CSN 42 5541: 1974.

    Minimum tonnage and delivery conditions upon agreer Other dimensions on request. Length: 6m. Bundle weight: ±2OOkg

    Example: other geometries are possible

    Example: other geometries are possible Beispiel: Andere Geometrien sind moglich

    Example: other geometries are possible

    水利標(biāo)準(zhǔn)ccord préalal Minimum order: 4Ot per section and grade or upon agreement Minimum tonnage and delivery conditions upon agreement

  • edi標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 型鋼標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
  • 相關(guān)專題:

